lundi 5 décembre 2011

Pauline S

my name is Pauline
I'm 11
I am french
I was born March 10 , 2000
I have got a dog, his name is Eliaz , he is 2 , he is black and white .
I have got a 2 cats their names is Lanna and Gabbana . Lanna is 5 she is black , brown and white Gabbana is black and white
I have got a rabbit , his name is Stitch , he is white and grey , he is 6
I have got a hamster , he name is Zabou , he is white , brown and grey
I have got a sister , her name is Chloé , she is 15
I go horse riding on Wednesday
I go to drama club on Monday
My best friend is Elise
My favorite teatcher are mrs Faucher and mrs Osika
I love my pets
I love the rain
I love  music
I love the Christams season
                     Goob Bye